Southside From the Heart

A white tag with the image of a dove attached to a pile of knitted items.

Are you a knitter, crocheter or sewist? Us too! Southside from the Heart is our branch of From the Heart, a Richmond based group dedicated to making and donating items to those in need. Southside from the Heart meets at three ARLS libraries at a variety of times. Follow us on Facebook and come sit and stitch!

From the Heart’s Mission statement: Our mission is to serve our community by preserving and promoting fiber arts, creating a spirit of fellowship and love among our volunteers and board members, and producing handmade items which bring comfort, love and solace to others. To learn more about From the Heart visit their website.

a colorful calendar for January


Hopewell Library
1st Thursday of the month is a morning meeting at 10:00 am -12:00 pm.

After the first week meetings alternate from mornings to evenings, so there is only one meeting a week. The evening meeting time is Tuesdays from 5:30 pm- 7:00 pm.  Please  visit our event calendar to confirm.

Prince George Library
Canceled until further notice. Interested in meeting at this location? Call Cathy at 804-458-6329 x1008

Dinwiddie Library

2nd & 4th Wednesdays 1:00-3:00 pm


Hopewell Library

Hopewell Library
1st Thursday of the month is a morning meeting at 10:00 am -12:00 pm.

After the first week meetings alternate from mornings to evenings, so there is only one meeting a week. The evening meeting time is Tuesday from 5:30 pm- 7:00 pm.  Please visit our event calendar to confirm.

Prince George Library
Canceled until further notice. Interested in meeting at this location? Call Cathy at 804-458-6329 x1008

Dinwiddie Library

2nd & 4th Wednesdays 1:00-3:00 pm

Groups We Serve

Ft. Gregg-Adams Holiday Helper
Hopewell Food Pantry

We are seeking more community partners! If you are a local organization that needs quality handmade items such as hats, scarves, blankets, shawl, and arm warmers please call Cathy Field at the library 804-458-6329 x1008 or email For a more complete list of items our members could make visit