Borrowing Materials

Loan Conditions

  • 3 week loan
  • Up to 3 renewals*, if not on request by another patron
  • Accounts owing more than $15.00 will have library privileges suspended
  • Bestsellers can be renewed and placed on hold

Items borrowed from the Petersburg Public Library System may be subject to different loan periods and fines.

Renewing Items

How to Renew an Item Online

  1. Log on to the Catalog. See My Account if you need help logging in.
  2. At the top right of the screen, click your name.
  3. Click “Account Activity.”
  4. Locate the title(s) of the item(s) you wish to renew. Click the “Renew Loan” button for each item you wish to renew, OR
  5. To renew all of the items you currently have checked out, check the box at the top of the list of items. This will check all items. Then click the word “Renew” to the left of the checkbox. Your new due date will then show.

NOTE: All items can be renewed up to 3 times unless it is on request for another patron.

How to Renew an Item by Phone

  1. Call (804) 458-6329 
  2. Follow the prompt, or press 0, to talk to a staff member.
  3. Please have your library card number ready.

Request an Item

How to Request an Item

  1. You must have an active library card and a 4-digit PIN.
  2. Search the catalog for the item you wish to request.
  3. When you have located the item you wish to place on hold, click “Place Hold.”
  4. A dialog box will appear asking you to log in if you are not already logged in. Enter your patron ID and 4-digit PIN. Click “Log On.”
  5. The Place a Hold dialog will appear next. The item you have selected will be named at the catalog request screenshot
  6. Choose your pick-up location. Note: Pick-up location defaults to your primary branch.
  7. You may choose to select the first available copy or a specific copy (if more than one copy is available). We recommend always choosing “first available copy” for the fastest results.
  8. When you are done, click “Submit Hold.”
  9. The confirmation dialog box will appear letting you know that your hold request was successful

Interlibrary Loan

What is Interlibrary Loan?
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a transaction in which items are borrowed from other libraries in Virginia and throughout the United States. The purpose of an interlibrary loan is to obtain materials (on behalf of patrons) that are not owned by the Appomattox Regional Library System (ARLS) or available through the Petersburg Public Library System (PPLS).

Interlibrary loan is an essential information service that expands the range of materials ARLS can make available to users. However, an interlibrary loan should serve as an adjunct to, not a substitute for, collection development at the local level.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a transaction in which items are borrowed from other libraries in Virginia and throughout the United States. The purpose of an interlibrary loan is to obtain materials (on behalf of patrons) that are not owned by the Appomattox Regional Library System (ARLS) or available through the Petersburg Public Library System (PPLS).

Normally, there is no charge for this service. However, the Library Administration reserves the right to pass along any charges incurred in the delivery and return of the material. Furthermore, patrons are liable for any replacement costs associated with items that are borrowed from other libraries.

For the most part, libraries will lend most print materials, but each library decides what it will or will not lend. For example, it is unusual for a library to loan very new, old, rare, and/or valuable material as well as audiovisual materials (CDs, DVDs, video games, etc.).

ARLS will try to obtain all materials requested via interlibrary loan except for the following:

  • Material owned by ARLS or PPLS and temporarily in use
  • Material less than six months old
  • Titles not yet published
  • Reference (non-circulating) material
  • Multiple copies of a title for a class or other group use

Patrons should be aware that the following materials may take a long time to acquire or they may not be eligible for an interlibrary loan:

  • Old, rare, or valuable material
  • CDs, DVDs, audiobooks
  • Entire issues of periodicals
  • The material in high demand at the lending library
  • Curriculum material, including textbooks
  • Scripts, screenplays, and scores
  • Multi-volume sets
  • Genealogical material

If the item falls within the guidelines of the ARLS collection development policy it will be considered for purchase.

No, only items published more than six months previous to the request can be considered.  A request to purchase a new book can be submitted on the Interlibrary Loan form and will be evaluated by the collection development staff for possible purchase.

Interlibrary Loan requests can be made in person at any ARLS branch or by telephone at 804-458-6329 x 2021.

To request a book or audiobook you will need the author, title, and if possible, the year of publication.

To request a periodical article you will need the title of the journal, date, page numbers, author, and title of the article.

To request audiovisual materials you will need to provide a title, name of the artist, year of publication, and any additional identifying information.

A “need-by” date and pick-up location should be indicated at the time of the request, if applicable.

Most items are received in one to two weeks but it may take longer.

Patrons will be notified by the method they selected when they registered for their library card.  Items are kept on the holds shelf till their due date.

The lending library determines the due date.  They usually allow about four weeks.  If a renewal is needed, it must be requested at least 5 business days before the due date.  You can call 804-458-6329 x 2020.  The renewal request will be determined by the lending library.

Please make every effort to return the items by the specified due date.  Interlibrary loan service will be suspended for those who abuse the privilege including those who repeatedly fail to pick up requested interlibrary loan materials or who fail to return materials by their due date.

Payment must be made for materials lost or damaged while charged out to the borrower. No refunds will be made for lost and paid interlibrary loan materials that are subsequently found.

Lending libraries will often charge additional processing fees beyond basic replacement costs.

Interlibrary loan is dependent upon the generosity and goodwill between libraries. Please be careful with their property and return it on time